Release Notes SOAPSonar
SOAPSonar Enterprise Edition - Release Notes
February 25, 2025
- Adds support for Base64 URLEncoding in B64 context function
- Adds support for b64 function for HTML Form Post Streaming
- Fixes Using Global Variables in FTP Response URL
January 7, 2025
- Adds JSON Web Encryption (JWE) support
- Adds raw SAML 2.0 templates to SAML 2.0 and WS-Security SAML 2.0 tasks
- Adds support for variables %PROJECT_DIR% and %INSTALL_DIR% in attachment relative filenames
- Fixes display issue with XML/JSON response tab
- Fixes Update Global Variable task to sort variables alphabetically
October 11, 2023
- Adds Export Suite and Export Suite Group test options to extract and export Suite and Suite Group tests into a new SSP project file
- Adds Sort Ascending and Sort Descending context menu options for tests associated to Test Suite Groups
- Adds Sort Ascending and Sort Descending context menu to Success criteria rules under Bulk Updates menu
- Fixes linked project success criteria rule pulldown to omit rules already added as links
- Fixes issue with Base64 function resolution when not using streaming option or SwA
- Fixes Base64 function resolution when running in Performance mode
- Fixes OpenAPI test case cloning logic
- Fixes display issue from Run View to Project View where TreeView is not always completely visible at the top project
- Fixes icon for OpenAPI test cases in Run View to be JSON test case icon
June 3, 2023
- Adds a new feature to Performance mode to treat HTTP 404 code as valid responses for TPS measurements
- Adds support for Test Case Bulk operations – Move Tests to Folder, Delete Tests, and Replace URI
- Adds Does not Contain to test case filter screen
- Adds a new feature to Success criteria to perform XDiff graphical diff of baseline vs actual in Project View
- Fixes resolution of nested SQL query global variables
- Fixes rendering of test case list for improved performance
- Fixes RAW/Form view to ensure when there are too many entries that a scrollbar appears
May 15 2023
- Added support for TLS 1.3 ( Requires minimum version of Windows OS that support TLS 1.3 for .NET Framework 4.8 )
- Added memory enhancements that provide 4x more in-memory processing per instance from 1.2GB to 4GB
- Added JSON Schema Validation (supports JSON Schema Draft 6 and backwards compatibility with older versions)
- Added binary MIME parsing and new Success Criteria features to validate MIME attachments and MIME Attachment headers
- Added MIME attachment extraction capability for Project View
- Added OpenAPI Variable detection and replacement assistant
- Added a select all checkbox to the Reporting screen Delete log dialog
- Added -n flag to runsuite.exe to automatically generate a normalized XML log output
- Added a button to report view to allow selected entries in the log file pulldown to be removed
- Added CTRL-F shortcut to show search field in Project Tree
- Added ExpandAll and CollapseAll to the Project Tree context-menu
- Added sensitive (i.e. password) type to global variables with encrypted storage
- Added Find Next feature for project tree nodes
- Added ClearScript scripting support for full JavaScript and VBScript scripting
- Added numeric value comparison operators to Success Criteria variable compare function
- Added option to MIME to support relative paths
- Added option to project context menu to all sorting subprojects alphabetically
- Fixed success criteria element value comparison when only a single root node is the target value
- Fixed Administrative rights detection to not require Admin rights to install and license, but ensure registry and install directory write privileges exist
- Fixed streaming HTML Form post to ensure application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type gets set if not manually set in the Content-Type header
- Fixed application/x-www-form-urlencoded requests to show the actual requests in Run View rather than the HTML Form post script format
- Fixed duplicate prompt on delete test folder
November 15, 2021
- Added Host and Scheme protocol header values to Sent Request and Reporting logs
- Fixed CurrentIteration function to start at 0 for Project View to match Run View
- Fixed Agent Initialization Start Test button docking location on resize
- Fixes Tests Overview Display for Custom Tests and Tests that reside within Folders
- Fixed OpenAPI Test Case creation to not initialize data from previously selected Test Case
- Fixed boundary generation id for HTML Form Post function ($fn:HTMLFormPost) to match Content-Type
- Fixed handling of emtpy value strings for HTML Form Post funtion ($fn:HTMLFormPost)
- Fixed upgrade installations to ensure file overwrite for updated files
- Fixed issue of DefaultSuite name change when selecting ‘clear current project’ when a new project being imported
- Fixes calculation of response length for MTOM responses
- Fixes issues with MTOM binary responses causing invalid XML characters to corrupt the test result log
- Fixes Menu selection replacement of runtime variable references to do an insert at character location rather than full replace of existing text
- Fixes initialization issue with RunSuite vs GUI console where existing embedded Project Globals associated with Runtime variables were getting removed
June 9, 2021
- Added codesign signatures to all product binaries and installation package
- Added Base64 Encode/Decode to context menus and as a Tool Menu Item utility
- Fixed OpenAPI parsing to use “Default” instead of “Unspecified” for paths with no defined tags
- Fixes OpenAPI parsing to handle path definitions without tag references
October 9, 2021
- Fixed response code for protocol errors to show code returned in the Response Header
May 15, 2020
- Fixed relative path references for ADS when th e relative path is project directory
- Fixed OpenAPI test names to use upper case for GET, PUT, POST, etc
- Fixed display issue with OAuth2 password grant type
August 23, 2019
- Added new OpenAPI project Type with support for OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0
- Added OAuth2 support
- Added support for Amazon AWSv4 signature authentication
- Added new authentication settings screen
- Added optimizations for large project
- Added form based inputs for urlencoded and form-data Content-Types
- Added Form and Raw views for protocol header fields
- Fixes issue with custom HTTP headers defined on a test case appearing on subsequently created test cases based on the last test case active
- Fixes issue with ContentType header getting created on test cases with HTTP methods other than POST and PUT
- Fixed bug with form-data Content-Types not correctly setting boundary header
- Fixes URI field so that direct edits are properly synced and updated in the decomposed URL component values
- Fixed packaging and installation of Crystal Reports component to no longer require VC++ prerequisites
- Fixes the Cancel button logic on the dynamic Cert Alias resolve screen to abort sending the test request in Project View
January 20, 2019
- Added proxyurl and proxycredentials command line options to runsuite.exe for dynamically specifying proxy settings
- Added support for HTTP Status Response text to be available as an HTTP response header for HTTP codes > 299
- Added support for additional fingerprint methods (EnhancedFingerprintDetection)
- Fixes WS-Encryption of a WS-Username token header with the ‘Included Nonce Encoding Type Attribute’ option set
- Fixed issue with disabled Success Criteria items still being used to detect dependencies
- Fixed issue with ADS initialization related to referencing ADS sources from XML project to WSDL project ADS sources
- Fixed RunSuite to adhere to the defined SOAPSonar settings for TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2
- Fixed WS-Security Signatures to support ETSI & ISO and allow certificates for signing that have only the KeyUsage=nonRepudiation set exclusively
- Fixed issue extracting Runtime Variable attribute values containing an “=” symbol
- Fixed handling wsam:Action attributes within PortType Operation attributes
- Fixed issue with OverrideIP setting when using global variables in URI
- Fixed issue with Performance Agents and Thread allocation
November 3, 2017
- Added support for resolving file references to Fullpath, ProjectDir, or InstallDir automatically
- Added optimizations for rendering time on projects with a large number of data sources defined
- Added and Export File option to the context menu of the Report View XML file to more easily copy the result file to a selected target location
- Fixed success criteria behavior when “Skip Rule if XPath not found” is enabled and none of the defined XPath rules match the target content
- Fixed linkage on the Report View when Show Failed tests were
- Fixed WS-Security Timestamp to allow negative values for negative testing
- Fixed regression issue with Send Email task
- Fixed issue with TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 settings being preserved through restarts
- Fixed issue of duplicate TestIDs caused when cloning groups of Test Cases by cloning the Test Folder
- Fixed Microsoft OLEDB driver issues on older Excel files (.xls)
- Fixed display width of SSL certificate display on Authentication tab
July 20, 2017
- Added new TestName() context function
- Added feature to QA Test Group settings for enable logging – allows to set up test in a group and disable logging and reporting of those tests
- Enhances JSON formatting to handle more types of JSON objects
- Fixes SMTP Task to retain credentials when specified
- Fixed GenReport.exe issues with reporting generation and email
- Optimized large project running tests with large numbers of RV or ADS variables
- Fixes use of ASF variables in the URL Field
- Fixes the Vulnerability Detail report prompting for DB Login
- Fixes the Test Case Summary Report and the Test Case Comments report
- Fixed regression issue with Request Tasks being executed from Project View
- Fixes Override IP setting to handle variables defined within the URI host parameter
- Fixes Override IP setting on RunSuite command-line
- Fixes test handling to more gracefully handle tests cases with invalid URIs defined
- Fixes Global SSL and TLS settings to activate dynamically rather than require a restart
- Fixes Create new Project naming to not add a default 1 on the end of the first project created with that name
- Fixes MTOM parser to handle more content-type variations
- Fixes HTML Form Post builder to support variable references within the parameters
- Fixes MIME attachment boundary setting to properly respect the boundary string setting
- Fixes hardware fingerprint detection to ignore USB sticks
October 21, 2016
- Redesigned product architecture for .NET Framework 4.5 (or later). .NET Framework 4.5 and .NET Framework 3.5 are both required to run the v8 product edition
- Added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
- Added support for Unicode non-english languages
- Added feature for changing ADS settings across selected ADS policies in the project
- Added ability to specify different Key Identifier than the Signing Key for X509 SubjectConfirmation in the WS-SAML 2.0 task
- Added UTF8 encoding to the Encode Value Task
- Added SHA256 algorithm to the Encode Value tasks
- Added new feature for conditional execution called
- Added support for variable references to be resolved within DLL Plugin parameters
- Added support for global setting changes for the ‘Force processing of Evaluation Rules’ setting on baseline rules
- Added support for Report filtering to optionally not report on dependencies or conditional tests
- Added auto save option for test cases to autosave edits without prompting for commit
- Added export to CSV option to QA mode testing to automatically export the result summary to CSV file on test completion
- Fixed Encode Value and Decode Value tasks to operate on both structured (XML/JSON) and non-structured (RAW) data
- Fixes MD5SUM and SHA1 option on the Encode Value task
- Fixes HEAD method to disallow message body per HTTP spec
- Fixes unicode handling of extra characters and reversing character sequences
- Fixes object reference error to be more informative when trying to perform SOAP operations on non-SOAP inputs
- Fixes SAMLv2 SubjectConfirmationData NotOnOrAfter attribute setting to be properly omitted from the assertion when not set
- Fixes JScript issues with setting Global variables within the script
- Fixes Encoding task to provide selective JSON content (when format is compatible with an XML structure) in tree view
- Fixes Decode task to provide selective JSON content (when format is compatible with an XML structure) in tree view
- Fixes Disable Test Dependencies option on test suite to properly handle Conditional Testing cases in Custom Groups that contain Test Dependencies
- Fixes support for URI encoding characters to be sent without decoding, such as the %5c encoded backslash character
- Fixes the HTML Form Post encoder to not URL encode values when sent at MIME via the multipart/form-data content-type
- Fixes DLL plugin custom parameter values to resolve runtime variable references
- Fixes Evaluate Criteria rules in project view to properly detect response codes other than 200